Transvestia slippers. The girl and I played with her dolls and ex- changed cut-out dolls. I identified myself with the girl next to me, and it was a wonderful feeling.

At Shrovetide it was common that boys and girls disguised themselves as Indians, cowboys, clowns, fairies, etc. But I was not allowed to disguise myself or buy a mask. I had only to dream myself disguised as a girl in dance frock with half mask and golden shoes. There I was with my dreams before the big show-win- dows with all the fancy dresses, the exotique jewelry and the masks. How I longed to try on these dresses and wigs, earrings, bracelets, colored stockings and smart high heeled shoes. I looked at the cosmetics that were displayed and all the special fancy make-up for carnival. But that land was closed to me.

When I was about 11 years old I began putting on weight. The fat settled on my thighs, derriere, tummy and breast, and it must somehow have given me a sort of feminine appearance, for some of the boys began teasing me by putting an ending to one of my given names (firstnames) so it became a girl's name. When I was 12 or 13 years old some of my school fellows made fun of me finding that I had begun getting breasts and soon would have to wear a bra (so they said, laughing), I was surprised. Naturally I could see that I had a little more flesh on my breast that the other boys, However, their remarks annoyed me. On the other side the con- sciousness of having something the other boys did not have gave me an inner satisfaction. It was for me a confirmation of my own opinion of myself. My natural shining finger-nails were another object of teasing. My nail-biting schoolfellows asked me if my mother lac- quered my mils. Perhaps they envied them!

At a party where I was present with my parents an elderly lady suddenly exclaimed; "What beautiful long black eyelashes that boy has." I blushed. I had never thought of my eyelashes before. Now they were in the limelight. Perhaps other boys have been exposed to